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I preached a sermon on Sunday entitled “Peace”.   It formed part of our Silence series.   I preached from inside a small, blow-up boat.   There was a lamp dressed up like a lighthouse.   The sermon didn’t last long, it didn’t need to.   This past Sunday was Family Service and the children of our church family sat in church.   We had new family members intake.   It was a busy morning. My sermon entitled “Peace” had to do with storms.   It came from the perspective (isn’t perspective the most powerful thing?) of being in a boat and facing the enormous waves and fierce wind that comes from a storm at sea.   The tag-line, if there are tag-lines in sermons, was to keep your eyes fixed on the Lighthouse.   You would make it through the storm if only you kept your eyes on the Lighthouse.   I used a beautiful portion of Scripture, Psalm 107:23-32 23 Some went down to the sea in ships,     doing business on the great waters; 24 they saw the deeds of the Lord,      his wondrous w

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